20 Jahre JazzWerkstatt Wien – All The Things You Are
The 20th anniversary is the occasion for a comprehensive retrospective of one of the most important music initiatives of the last two decades. The music collective throws back the previously unanswered question "What is JazzWerkstatt Wien?" to all those who have helped shape the last 20 years, from the interested public to the more than 600 artists involved. The answer can be found on page 18 of the "best selling jazz song book of all time" THE REAL BOOK. Accordingly, our motto for 20 years of JazzWerkstatt Wien is: All The Things You Are.
The JazzWerkstatt has been working in this way since 2004: Artists curate themselves and invite their colleagues, challenge them to try new things, juxtapose seemingly contradictory styles. This has resulted in one of the most important characteristics of the contemporary Viennese music scene; the stylistic boundaries are permeable, the genres and audiences are intermingled. The hermetically separated scenes, which were still fighting for themselves in the 1990s, are now working together and creating an alternative "Viennese sound", exciting new projects and new forms of music between the chairs. The entire 2024 annual program can be found here: http://www.jazzwerkstatt.at
1 upcoming events
5 past events